
The Huntsville-Madison County Human Trafficking Task Force began as a subcommittee to the Madison County Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Task Force Against Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault & Human Trafficking in 2009.

In 2010, Huntsville’s first human trafficking awareness event was held in observance of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. The Human Trafficking committee was formed, sponsored by Crisis Services of North Alabama.

In 2011, the first human trafficking awareness training in the Huntsville area was offered, and in 2012, the newly-christened North Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force was formed.

Our work continues, in alliance with the state task force and groups like the National Children’s Advocacy Center, Safe Harbor Youth, and AshaKiran. The North Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force works to educate the community at large, as well as those in front-line professions such as law enforcement, health care, and hospitality industry workers.